
Practical Application of Velocity-Based Training Seminar [DOWNLOAD]

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Velocity-based training is a great way to get your athletes better results in less time. But where do you even begin?

Save yourself a year of frustration and learn from our mistakes.


Never worry about overtraining again with the system that will “completely revolutionize programming for strength and power”

  • If you’re worried about squatting your athletes hard twice a week, see part 8 (overtraining is no longer a concern).
  • If you’ve ever worked with a client for months and gotten NOWHERE, you might have an athlete like the one at the end of part 3.
  • If you’re using percentage of 1RM or RPE loading methods, you should watch part 1 for a rude surprise.
  • If you have athletes who are getting stronger in the gym, but not any better on the field/court/rink, they may just be training the wrong thing. Find their limiting factor in part 4.
  • If you have athletes who try hard, but still move like they’re stuck in molasses, you should watch part 3. Different athletes excel at different things. Not everyone is created equal and, therefore, not everyone responds the same to the same program.
  • If you’ve never been sure about how to use accommodating resistance training methods (bands and chains), see part 7 for exactly how to use them and grab our training blocks from part 6 to make sure you’re using the right method for each athlete.
  • If you want to make a cheap DIY Vertimax, see part 7.
  • If you want an Excel spreadsheet that auto-magically tells you what kind of athlete is in front of you, see part 6. To know what their limiting factor is, you need to understand who they are.
  • If you want to create the springiest athletes in town, see how to maximize the stretch-shortening cycle in part 4.
  • If you want 3 blocks of training with the exact set, rep, tempo, rest period, and velocity range prescriptions we use, see part 6. Use this with your own athletes immediately.
  • If you want to see exactly how to test an athlete’s force production (the force-velocity profile), see part 2.
  • If you want to see exactly how two different athletes (a football player and a powerlifter) respond to increasing load and fatigue, see part 2. BONUS: you even get to watch them rep out a heavy weight (only one of them was good at this).
  • If you want a look at what it’s like to use a GymAware, see part 2.
  • If you sometimes find it difficult to sell parents on your training (or if you’re just tired of doing it), check out part 1 and download our athlete Report Card.
  • If you find it takes a lot of mental energy to motivate athletes, see part 1 for a solution.
  • If you’re tired of modifying programs every time an athlete comes in to train on a poor diet and minimal sleep, watch part 1 and never worry about that again.
  • If you need a way to test your athletes without any fancy technology, see part 6 (it really is possible).
  • If you want to see how an athlete who squats 150lbs LESS than another athlete is actually MORE POWERFUL, see part 3 for an explanation of this “paradox”.

Back in May, professionals from around the globe joined us as we walked through our new Force and Power system, showing you how we have been implementing velocity-based training at IFAST to maximize gains for our clients, and do so in less time. VBT has truly saved us and our clients on more than one occasion.

There are a lot of decisions that we have to make for our athletes. When do they need aerobic conditioning? How much strength is enough? Who should focus on speed? Endless questions mean we get stuck worrying about our athletes and our coaching decisions… Is this the type of training they need right now? Am I helping them to the best of my ability? How are they responding to this program?

We’ve caught ourselves time and time again asking, “What should we be chasing?” Honestly, we thought we knew the answer to that question. But once we looked deep into the crystal ball of reality — we found out how delusional we’ve been living.

One of the most embarrassing realizations of this whole process was evaluating a girl we had trained for 6 months… only to find out that we’ve been giving her exactly what she DIDN’T need.

(You can hear her story at the end of part 3.)

Here are some of the misconceptions we had about training:

Myth #1: Loading by percentage of 1RM and rating of perceived exertion always works

We had no idea how inconsistent %-based and RPE-based loading was. Do you know how much an athlete’s readiness can fluctuate in just one day? This could lead to mis-loading your athlete by 50lbs (OR MORE)!

Myth #2: “I’m already doing everything I can do”

It’s easy to blame factors out of our control because it makes us feel better about our coaching. You’ve got kids who are practicing all the time, parents who won’t let their kids rest and play, and coaches who are programming all the wrong things. “If they would just get out of my way, THEN this program would work.” Sometimes this is an issue, that is for sure. BUT SOMETIMES THEY’RE ON THE WRONG PROGRAM. This was a tough pill to swallow… until we saw the data.

Myth #3: Technology overcomplicates things

In our day and age, we have a tendency to over-monitor our lives. Did I get my steps in? Have I progressed my lifts 5% this month? Did I take enough rest on that last set? The solution, however, is not to do away with ALL technology, but to be more selective in what you monitor. There are a few specific measurements we recommend for gathering good training data (and pretty much automating the entire process). And the nicest thing about it all? Kids these days can pick up how to use it even quicker than we can, so a coaching hour doesn’t become a mad house.

Myth #4: It’s obvious what each athlete needs to work on

Coaches have this intuition about their athletes. The best coach’s intuition is usually correct. Once we started measuring each of our athletes, most of the test results lined up with what we expected… except a couple. And you know what? The technology was right; we were wrong. Gathering good data eliminates your own bias so that you can better serve your clientele.

Myth #5: I can’t use VBT if I don’t have a GymAware, Tendo, or Push band

We started this project with the intent of learning how to optimally use a new GymAware unit we had just purchased (it’s — by far — the highest quality velocity measurement tool out there). As we dove into the science and the research, we realized that this VBT stuff is rooted in physics and physiology. It all makes intuitive sense, the technology just makes our measurements a little more accurate. In fact, YOU’RE PROBABLY ALREADY USING VBT… you just don’t know it.

Myth #6: Using accommodating resistance is mostly just guesswork

After looking at training through a velocity-based lens, the utility of band and chains in training became obvious. You can use these implements to change the type of lift you’re performing to more closely resemble a sport movement (for more on this law of specificity, see the physics talk in part 3 on ballistic vs non-ballistic movements). We’ve found that there is such a thing as TOO LITTLE band tension or chain weight when working with accommodating resistance. For our specific recommendations, check out part 6 on programming and part 7 on training methods.

Myth #7: VBT doesn’t fit into my current coaching methodology

Like we said above, VBT is just a new way to measure things. The underlying principles are rooted in physics and physiology. If you understand these principles, then you can make your own creative programming decisions for each specific athlete. You’ll understand why two athletes respond differently to the same program. You’ll know what an athlete needs based on how they present. In short: you’ll be able to help more people.

Myth #8: Slow athletes will never jump higher or run faster

We all have our genetic ceiling, but everyone can improve. We’ve found that when you keep working on max strength for an athlete who is already strong, they won’t make changes that help them in their sport. Often times, it’s a football coach who likes powerlifting because it’s worked for them and many of their students in the past. The issue is that it doesn’t work for everyone. These “slow” athletes need to focus on force, not strength.

Myth #9: VBT is only for professional athletes

We use VBT with EVERYONE who comes in. It tells us what type of athlete we’re working with (if they’re more like a Gorilla or more like a Kangaroo, for those of you who’ve watched part 6). And therefore, it tells us about their physics and physiology. Coaching decisions are easy with this information. Advanced training methods for well-trained, experienced athletes is just the icing on the cake.

Myth #10: You can’t squat hard twice a week

VBT automatically accounts for daily fluctuation in training readiness. You feel like crap today? Well, you’re still lifting at the same velocity, but you’ll need less weight to reach that velocity.

Myth #11: Athletes just need to get stronger

General strength training works for many athletes. There are, however, many other components of sport: conditioning, time, and tactics, for example. Getting strong athletes stronger is usually a waste of time; you need to find each athlete’s limiting factor. Most sports have a time constraint. Powerlifting does not. Putting 100lbs on your max squat doesn’t mean anything if you can’t access that force in the time you have during a game!

VBT seminar attendees

The great crew from our seminar in May 2017

Our #1 goal at this seminar was to make sure everyone left with information to use on Monday. The live course attendees brought in so many great questions. We even had a special guest of honor: Evan Lawton, Director of Kinetic Performance, the company that has brought the GymAware to the strength and conditioning world.

Here’s a rough outline of what we covered:

01 - Introduction to Velocity Based Training02 - Assessing an Athlete, Part 103 - Physics Behind Performance04 - Physiology Behind Performance05 - Assessing an Athlete, Part 206 - Programming for Gorillas and Kangaroos07 - Demonstration of Training Methods08 - Case Studies
  • Download the slides.
  • Download the testing protocol handout.
  • Download the literature from GymAware.
  • Why you should you use velocity based training (VBT).
  • How you are (probably) ALREADY using VBT.
  • How much your athlete’s 1 rep maximum (1RM) can swing in a single day. (HINT: it’s a lot.)
  • The difficulties of using rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to determine loading.
  • How VBT is superior to 1RM and RPE loading methods.
  • How you use VBT to determine how much weight you should put on the bar.
  • How you can use Minimum Velocity Threshold to choose better loads for your athletes.
  • Why you should use mean velocity in VBT.
  • What are the special strength zones? How should you use them in VBT? How do they relate to an athlete’s 1RM?
  • How the special strength zones are different for the squat and the bench press.
  • How VBT saves you time by accounting for training readiness fluctuations and fatigue. You don’t have to change a program every time an athlete comes in without sleep and proper nutrition.
  • How VBT gets you more clients by creating athlete and parent buy-in.
  • How VBT motivates athletes without you having to amp them up, saving your energy and focus for when it’s needed.
  • How to get set up with the GymAware unit and app. How to use it in a vertical jump? In a squat?
  • Why we use GymAware. (SHORT ANSWER: it’s superior to every other velocity tracking system.)
  • How you can track the progress and instantaneous output of multiple athletes.
  • Exactly how we choose number of reps and amount of weight for each athlete when making a force-velocity profile.
  • How you can use the GymAware to predict 1RM without having to test it.
  • How max velocity lifts change with increasing load.
  • How you would change your weight jumps with someone who is less experienced.
  • How you can find Minimum Velocity Threshold without using 1RM weights.
  • Why we take our athletes to muscular failure when making their force-velocity profiles.
  • The EXACT steps we would use to create force-velocity profiles for two different athletes.
  • Why you might care about 1RM even when you are using VBT.
  • The two basic types of athletes we see. (FORESHADOW: We talk how to train them later on.)
  • How peak power can be related to baseball bat velocity.
  • How to navigate the GymAware app and some of the cool stuff you can do with it, including…
    • Reviewing an athlete’s past lifts
    • Setting a personal record for an athlete to target
    • Setting a percentage of a personal record for an athlete to target
    • Setting a target velocity zone for an athlete to target
    • Individualizing training by setting different targets for different athletes training at the same time
    • Reviewing or motivating athletes by ranking them in a leaderboard
    • Adding exercises
    • The different sounds the app can play to motivate your athletes
  • How to save time and focus when coaching (kids these days are tech-savvy and intuitively know how to operate the app).
  • How you might use VBT with other systems, like Tendo and Push.
  • How the GymAware cloud subscription can show you specific reports on an athlete
  • How to get numbers with a young, inexperienced athlete who might not be ready to go to failure.
  • How we use VBT with every athlete that comes to us, no matter how young or unathletic.
  • How you can use VBT as a measure of an athlete’s daily training readiness.
  • A quick physics reminder and why it matters.
  • The difference between ballistic and non-ballistic movements (and when each one is more effective in training).
  • The types of power (HINT: Slow athletes can also be powerful.)
  • Why strength doesn’t transfer to sport (and what quality ACTUALLY transfers.)
  • Where you see peak forces in different athletes (HINT: it’s not usually at their 1RM, EVEN IF your athlete is experienced).
  • How most athletes waste a lot of energy just be slow.
  • Why power is so important for an athlete.
  • Two athletes with drastic differences in force and power (SUPRISE: The more powerful athlete actually squats 150lbs LESS).
  • The subtle difference between weight room achievements and actual performance gains.
  • The special strength zone that a lineman MUST have if he’s going to be quick off the line.
  • An example of an athlete who produces her peak force at weight LOWER than her bodyweight (and what you might do with her).
  • The differences between concentric, eccentric, and isometric contractions.
  • A review of the force-velocity curve and how the stretch-shortening cycle changes it.
  • The strength-speed continuum and how your prior training can skew your training window in one direction or the other.
  • Why athletes use a repositioning or “plyo” step to be faster.
  • How we classify our athletes into one of two groups: gorillas and kangaroos.
  • Learn what your athlete will be good at by understanding the physiologic differences between athletic gorillas and kangaroos.
  • Why you NEED to address your athlete’s single limiting factor (HINT: you can’t just make everyone stronger!)
  • How to use this information to optimize your athlete’s force-velocity relationship.
  • Download our assessment paper that you can use to assess your athletes.
  • How hyperflexible athletes try to use the stretch-shortening cycle.
  • Why we track loads used even though we only care about velocity.
  • Download the Excel sheet we use to classify our athletes and determine their force-velocity relationship.
  • The kind of athlete that has a more vertical force-velocity curve.
  • The kind of athlete that has a more horizontal force-velocity curve.
  • Why we give an athlete a force-velocity profile assessment.
  • One quick test you can use to see how elastic your athletes are, even if you don’t have any fancy technology.
  • The Athletic Performance Index (API) and how we use it to classify our athletes.
  • An example use of our Excel sheet for classifying a gorilla.
  • An example use of our Excel sheet for classifying a kangaroo.
  • STEAL OUR SYSTEM and use our flow of training so you know EXACTLY what to qualities to train in your athletes.
  • Three different example training blocks, the EXACT sequence we use them, and why we order it this way.
  • How you might implement conditioning methods based on what type of athlete you’re training.
  • How to build soft tissue resilience for long-term benefit.
  • How to ensure you’re always getting a peak force output.
  • How to maximize power.
  • When chain loading is most effective.
  • When band resistance is most effective.
  • When band resistance is ineffective.
  • When band assistance is most effective.
  • 3 blocks of training with the EXACT set, rep, tempo, rest period, and velocity range prescriptions we use with each type of athlete. Use this IMMEDIATELY.
  • EXACTLY how to utilize variable resistance methods (i.e. bands and chains) to augment your programming.
  • How much chain load or band tension you should use with each athlete.
  • How load changes throughout a lift with chains or with bands.
  • What ugly squats have to do with coming into a cut too quickly.
  • How to know if you’re maximizing your athlete’s use of the stretch-shortening cycle or selling them short.
  • How to set up bands on a bar to use them safely and effectively.
  • A special method you can use to teach an athlete to create stiffness QUICKLY… and how to progress it.
  • Which variable resistance method works best to prepare an athlete for competition.
  • Which variable resistance method can use the highest rep ranges.
  • How to make a DIY Vertimax.
  • Maximizing velocity by using bands to unload someone’s bodyweight.
  • #1 – How can we improve a quick athlete’s force output without slowing them down?
    • Why we’re not afraid to squat hard twice a week (HINT: it’s because of VBT!)
    • How we put 3 inches on a well-trained baseball players vertical jump in two months (this still shocks us).
  • #2 – How can we make a gorilla into a kangaroo?
    • How strength is overrated.
    • Show an example of how we drastically increased a basketball player’s power without getting him any stronger.
  • #3 – How can we use band resistance to make an athlete more powerful?
    • How we put 3 MORE inches onto the same well-trained baseball player’s vertical jump in two month more (again, even we’re shocked).
    • How we increased this baseball player’s power output by 48.9% in the same two months.
  • #4 – How can we use band assistance to make a slow athlete faster?
    • How we helped a strong girl break her 3-year vertical jump plateau.
    • Other cool uses for VBT, like using it to turn a baseball closing pitcher into a starting pitcher (HINT: they need more power-endurance).

We want to make this as simple for you as we can, so if you buy now, you will be able to…

  • download each and every section of our filmed presentation
  • download the presentation slides
  • download our Excel sheet that automatically tells you your athlete’s Athletic Performance Index (API) so you know what kind of velocities they should be training at
  • download the literature from GymAware (you can do that now!)
  • download the testing protocol handout to use when assessing your athletes
  • download the report card we use to sell parents on our training

Want a sneak peak into the video? Check out these case studies.

What the professionals are saying

Ty and Tony do an amazing job of not only laying a foundation for the use of VBT, but give real-world, practical examples of how to use it.

Mike Robertson coaching
Mike Robertson

They take what can be a confusing topic and make it easy to understand and apply. They simplify the science and outline the practical application through case studies and examples.

Lee Taft coaching
Lee Taft

This content delivered this weekend has forced me to think critically about what I’ve done in the past, as well as how I can utilize VBT to ensure I am giving my athletes the exact stimulus they need to be successful on the field. I highly encourage anyone to check out this seminar and anything else from the guys at Complete Sport Performance!

Conor McNally
Conor McNally

We really believe in this system, so here are some bonuses for you

After seeing this work for so many people, we knew that we had to get the word out. That’s why you’re reading this page now.

To sweeten the pot a little more for you (since you’ve probably never heard of us), I want to MAKE SURE we overdeliver on this seminar… so in addition to the videos, we’re also including the following downloads:

A printable assessment sheet to use on the gym floor

We like technology and all, but nothing is quite as satisfying as writing numbers down with pen and paper. We use this sheet while testing our athletes, then transcribe them later on into…

Our Excel assessment sheet that automatically tells you what kind of athlete you’re working with

After performing and assessment on your athlete, you can easily put that data into this spreadsheet, which then tells you their Athletic Performance Index (API). Use this number to determine what kind of athlete you have in front of you and which 3 blocks of training they need (those programs are included, by the way).

Follow along with the PowerPoint slides

We hate when you go to a lecture but aren’t given a copy of the slides. We’ve worked hard on this presentation, including main points and visual figures to make this information as clear as possible. Print out your own copy and handwrite some notes while you listen through the videos!

Never worry about selling again with our Athlete Report Card

We always encourage parents to come in and observe what we do. They should know what their money is being used for. In an effort to clearly show what we have done for each athlete, we made up this Report Card… and something amazing happened: parents and kids LOVED it. This is a soft way to clearly show what an athlete does well and needs to work on… while simultaneously showing exactly how much their measurements have improved.


Other recorded seminars go for $149, $199… even $400! But you can get Applications of Velocity Based Training for only $99!

BUT! IF YOU ACT SOON, YOU CAN HAVE A DISCOUNT. Just our way of saying thank you for believing in us.

Get it today for only $79 (videos, slides, report card, assessment sheets… everything for the price of a fancy dinner).

Backed by our Velocity-Based No-Risk Guarantee

If this seminar doesn’t totally change the way you think about training, you’ll get ALL YOUR MONEY BACK.

You’d think it’d be hard to give you this “Velocity-Based” No-Risk Guarantee after hours and hours of research, slide formation, presentation practice, shop talking, filming, editing, writing, and overall preparation — but we’re not worried at all.

Why? Because all of this prep work has made us POSITIVE that this will change your life. We’re so sure that we guarantee it.

And if you decide we’re wrong, no sweat. Just contact us for a full and immediate refund. You keep all the downloads.



Ty Terrell and Tony Giuliano
Strength Coaches, Performance Manager
Arizona Hawks, Tonal
Tony Giuliano and Ty Terrell

P.S. This sale price will not last long. Act now or you risk missing out!


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